Religions in the world
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HUF 5,290
The Ravensburger is popular What? Why? How? by scrolling through volume 46 of his children’s book series, preschoolers and elementary school students can learn about the teachings of five world religions (Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam). They can find out why people believe in gods, how religions evolved, who Buddha, Jesus and Muhammad were, what they believe and what the followers of each religion celebrate. The series of pictorial books, which are already popular among the Ravensburger games in Hungary, provides answers to many questions with lovely illustrations and information appropriate to the age of the children. Each page revolves around a new topic, the richness of which can help adults navigate, whether in a kindergarten or elementary school session. The printing design of the series is of a uniquely high standard. Its main special feature is that each book hides nearly 50 secret windows, the lid of which allows children to satisfy their curiosity.
publisher | Scolar For Rent |
writer | Angela Weinhold |
scope | 16 |
volume unit | oldal |
ISBN | 9789632448022 |
year of publication | 2018 |
binding | spire |
translator | Gulyás Lelle |
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